Gould & Goodrich Ankle Holster
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Adjustable elastic band helps keep gun secure. Sheepskin lined for comfort. Optional leg garter model B865 available.
Fit 1 - Fits most small auto-pistols including Beretta Tomcat; Bersa Thunder 380; Kel-Tec 32 and 380; Kimber Solo; Ruger LCP and P380 (without Crimson Trace); Sig 230, 232, 238, P380; S&W Bodyguard 380; Walther PP, PPK, PPKS, and TPH
Fit 2 - Fits most medium auto-pistols and small frame revolvers including Beretta Cougar; Glock 26 and 27; Kahr 9, 40, P380 with Crimson Trace; Ruger LCR and LCP with Crimson Trace; Sig 239 and 290; S&W small J-Frame revolvers; S&W BG38; Taurus PT111, PT140, small J-Frame revolvers